Snow Safety Reminders

When the snow starts to fall, the Public Works Department activates its
Snow and Ice Removal Plan. Exactly what happens under the plan depends on the amount of precipitation that has fallen, what's predicted to fall, the temperature, the expected duration of the storm, and moisture content.
Both plowing and salt-spreading operations help control winter road hazards. The effectiveness of salt depends on traffic volume, pavement type (concrete or asphalt), shade patterns, air and road surface temperatures. Salt is less effective when the road temperature dips to 25 degrees (F). Magnesium Chloride is added to the salt during cold temperatures. This lowers the activation temperature of the salt to -15 degrees (F).
Not all roads within the Village are maintained by the Public Works Department. Questions about the following highways should be directed to Kenosha County Highway Department at (262) 857-1870:
- I-94 (including Frontage Roads)
- State Trunk Highways: Hwy 50 (75th St), Hwy 31 (Green Bay Road), Hwy 32 (Sheridan Rd), Hwy 165(104th St)
- County Trunk Highways: H (88th Ave), C (Wilmot Rd), ML (Springbrook Rd) south of Hwy 165, EZ (39th Ave.)
Snow emergencies are announced on Time Warner Cable Channel 25, on the website home page, Facebook, Twitter, by text or email through Nixle, and through local television, radio, and print media.
Snow Safety Reminders
1. Remove your vehicles from public streets when approximately 2 inches of snow has fallen or is predicted to fall.
Parked vehicles in the road not only make it harder for our drivers to thoroughly clean the streets, but it also endangers their safety by forcing them to zigzag in and out of traffic on slippery roads, thereby increasing their chance for accidents. The Village will ticket violators.
2. If possible stay off the road.
As much as possible, please avoid driving or parking on the road during heavy snowstorms. Our primary purpose is to clear streets for emergency vehicles. The less traffic our drivers encounter, the faster and more efficiently they can clear the streets.
If you must be out, please use extreme caution. Many motorists drive too fast for conditions or try to stop too quickly. Drive slowly and watch at intersections. Turn on your headlights when precipitation starts. Do not follow our plows too closely. State law requires that you stay at least 200 feet behind a working snowplow. When following a snowplow, make sure that you can see the driver’s mirrors so the driver is able to see you. Use extreme caution in passing our plowing and salting equipment.
3. Do not shovel or blow snow into public streets.
This not only defeats the purpose of our snow plowing, but it is a violation of Village Ordinances because it causes unsafe conditions for all drivers. All shoveled or blown snow should be piled in your yard or parkway.
4. Remove snow from sidewalks and hydrants.
If you live in a portion of the Village where sidewalks have been installed, please remove snow and ice from your sidewalk within 24 hours of a snowfall. It is the responsibility of every owner, lessee, tenant, occupant or other person having charge of any building or lot of property in the Village abutting upon any public way or public place to remove the snow and ice from the sidewalk in front of said building or lot of property.
Clear snow and ice away from fire hydrants located on or near your property. Keeping hydrants clear will help save valuable time, should a fire emergency occur in your neighborhood.
5. Don’t expect us to leave the base of your driveway clean and neat!
We know it is frustrating to shovel your driveway and then have the plow come by and push snow back at the base. Although we would like to minimize the problem, there is no way to plow the street so that your driveway remains completely “snow free” without greatly increasing the manpower and money required to run our operation.
We encourage all residents to please assist your elderly neighbors with snow removal tasks whenever possible. Please remind children playing in the snow or building snow forts, snowmen, etc., to stay away from the street.
Find winter road conditions and traffic information at 5-1-1. Via phone, text or online, 5-1-1 can help you plan for safer travel during the winter weather season. Learn more about this Wisconsin Department of Transportation service at
Minding Your Mailbox
The Streets Division’s mandate during snow and ice season is to clear as much snow as possible from Village streets. This means we will always plow as close to the curb as possible. We take great care not to damage property within the Village right-of-way however, mailboxes do occasionally get damaged. To report mailbox damage, call the Public Works Department at 262.925.6700.
Mailboxes and posts will be replaced according to standards prescribed by Village Ordinance No. 06-65, Village Code § 305-2. Per this ordinance, the replacement will consist of a metal mailbox and flag mounted to a treated four-by-four wooden post.
Frequently Asked Questions About Snow Removal
Q: Does the Village Public Works Department maintain all roadways located within the corporate limits of the Village of Pleasant Prairie?
A: No. The Street Division of the Public Works Department maintains approximately 125 miles of local roads. Kenosha County Highway Department maintains jurisdiction over I-94 (including Frontage Roads), State Trunk Highways and County Trunk Highways within the corporate limits of the Village. Responsibility for maintenance of these roadways, including snow removal and ice control operations, rests with the highway department of Kenosha County. They include:
- I-94 (including Frontage Roads)
- State Trunk Highways: Hwy 50 (75th St), Hwy 31 (Green Bay Road, Hwy 32 (Sheridan Rd), Hwy 165(104th St)
- County Trunk Highways: H (88th Ave), C (Wilmot Rd), ML (Springbrook Rd), EZ (39th Ave.)
Q: Who is responsible for shoveling snow from sidewalks?
A: It is the responsibility of owners or occupants of property in the Village to remove the snow and ice from the sidewalk in front of their building or lot of property. In addition, no one shall plow or remove any ice or snow from any property and deposit such ice or snow upon any street, road or highway or along the shoulder or edge of any street, road or highway, within the Village of Pleasant Prairie.
Q: Can I park my car on Village-maintained streets during snowfalls?
A: No parking is allowed on any Village street during a snow emergency in which there is an accumulation of snow 2 or more inches in depth until plowing operations have been completed. Violators may be towed and fined. Watch Channel 25 or visit the Village website at for snow emergency announcements.