Enhanced 911
The 9-1-1 system in Kenosha County is an enhanced system that gives the dispatcher your name, address, and phone number on a computer screen as soon as you call.
A good percentage of the 911 calls come in over cell phones. Address information us not available with cellular calls, however a GPS location received, so it is important to relay your exact location to the call taker.
Kenosha Joint Services receives all 911 calls within Kenosha County.
When talking to the dispatcher, please remain calm, speak slowly, and describe the problem as best you can. For all emergencies, please use the 9-1-1 system, whether for fire, medical, or police.
Emergency Medical Service - EMS
The Village of Pleasant Prairie has had paramedics since 1991. Our paramedics provide Advanced Life Support (ALS) skills and procedures that are on par with many of the larger cities in the state. By way of an State approved Patient Care Guidelines (PCGs) or system protocols, paramedics have the ability to perform and administer a wide variety of procedures and medications without consulting the Emergency Room Physician. The ER Physician however is always available and can be contacted in real-time to consult on a treatment or medication that falls outside the established protocols.
EMT-Paramedic level personnel also perform basic medical care along with advanced medical care that includes medication delivery, IV therapy, 12-lead EKG interpretation, defibrillation, cardiac pacing, and Rapid Sequence Intubation (RSI).
The Fire & Rescue Department operates two primary paramedic ambulances. An ambulance crew consists of three members of which at least two need to be at the Paramedic level for EMS. This same crew also serves as a fire suppression team as all members are dual trained as firefighters. A third ambulance serves as a reserve unit and when needed is utilized when staffed.
Technology Use in EMS
Cardiac Monitor
Our Paramedics utilize sophisticated diagnostic equipment to aide in providing patient care. The cardiac monitor and defibrillator play a critical role providing 12-lead cardiac recognition, carbon Monoxide monitoring, and other respiratory diagnostics. The monitor has the ability to transmit this patient data directly to the Emergency Room Physician.
Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation or CPR is known world-wide to be primary key in surviving a heart attack. Constant non-stop regular compressions has proven to be key helping to provide a good outcome. We also know that despite the best intentions of both civilians, Good Samaritans, and first responders that no one person can maintain quality compressions longer than 1-1/2 to 2 minutes. The constant compressions and rate provides for blood flow and
creates enough pressure to get blood to the brain.
Pleasant Prairie is fortunate to have the LUCAS 3 mechanical chest compression device that provides for automatic mechanical CPR. This device provides non-stop compressions at the correct depth and rate. Once applied, the patient can be moved from the house to the ambulance without stopping CPR. The LUCAS device has already documented a patient save on its first use.
Medication Security
Everyone is keenly aware of the epidemic that our country has with access to addictive medications and narcotics. Our paramedics utilize these medications in controlled doses to alleviate pain and
reduce the apprehension of patients in severe pain due to illness or injury. Utilizing a secure medical vault or "Medvault" this vault is built into the ambulance and is only accessible by authorized medics by PIN access. Their access is tracked by an audit list that is reviewed by supervision. Daily shift check-in and check-out procedures are strictly enforced and adhered to as dictated by the DEA.