How to dispose of medications:
Kenosha County has permanent locations for residents to
dispose of unused, unwanted and expired medication, free of charge.
Residents are encouraged to bring medications to the Pleasant Prairie Police Department
10111 39th Avenue.
Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (excluding holidays).
Acceptable Items for drop off are:
- Over the counter medications
- Prescription medication
- Pet medication
- Ointments
- Creams
Items that are NOT ACCEPTABLE are:
- Intravenous solutions
- Injectables
- Illegal drugs
- Bio hazardous materials
- Needles/sharps or syringes
Please empty unwanted medication out of its original container and place into a resealable plastic zipper storage bag. Liquid medications can be kept in their individual containers but must be put in a separate resealable plastic zipper storage bag. See pictures for reference.

Thank you for taking care when disposing of medication.
Click here for locations to dispose of needles/sharps or syringes.