By state statue, the fire department or its designee is required to perform fire prevention inspections every non-overlapping six (6) month period. Also referred to as the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ), the fire department reviews both outside and inside areas concerning life safety and fire prevention. To view the statute SPS-314 concerning fire prevention, Click Here
NFPA 25 - Annual Fire Sprinkler System Inspections
Occupancies with fire protection systems (sprinklers/fire pumps) are required to have an annual inspection/test by a licensed sprinkler contractor and in accordance with NFPA 25. This annual test requires a permit application and fee. Results of this annual test are recorded on an NFPA approved format. In addition, the fire department's NFPA 25 supplemental form is required to be completed. Both completed reports are to be submitted to the fire department. Deficiencies noted on the report are the owners responsibility to correct.
NFPA 72 - Annual Fire Alarm System Inspections
Occupancies with fire detection systems (fire alarms) are required to have an annual inspection/test in accordance with NFPA 72. This annual test requires a permit application and fee. Results of this annual test are recorded on an NFPA approved format. In addition, the fire department's NFPA 72 supplemental form is required to be completed. Both completed reports are to be submitted to the fire department. Deficiencies noted on the report are the owners responsibility to correct.
Annual Test Checklist
-Obtain appropriate system permit application
-Submit both completed application and permit fee
-Acquire appropriate system supplemental form
-Conduct inspection/test
-Review any deficiencies with owner and/or responsible party
-Submit completed inspection/test and supplement forms to the fire department
Semi-Annual Fire Prevention Inspections
As mentioned above, the fire department (AHJ), conducts inspections every six (6) months. All full-time Firemedic staff conduct inspections throughout the Village. Our mission is to inform and educate tenants and owners of codes and ordinances to ensure that their environment is safe to work in and visit.
Other (Special) Inspections
Other special inspections maybe required. An example of a Special inspection is that for Tent or Carnival inspection. If your organization is performing a function outside of its normal everyday process or operation, consult the fire department at the contact information below for additional guidance. There is a charge for Special inspections.
NOTE: Inspections and/permits are required before any work or function may proceed. Failure to obtain an inspection or permit may incur a triple fee assessment and/or a stop work order.
Semi-Annual Fire Inspection Scheduling
For smaller occupancies, inspections are often conducted without notice on a walk-in basis. For larger occupancies that require more time and preparation to review, the inspector will typically contact the maintenance person or other designee for the organization.
Re-Inspection Fees
Semi-annual inspections are conducted at no charge. Should the inspector find code violations and they can be corrected or repaired within the same visit, no return visit will be required. When violations cannot be repaired or corrected within the same visit, a re-inspection visit and fee will be assessed. The amount of the fee is based on the square footage of the facility. Facilities with numerous buildings may be assessed one overall re-inspection fee. or information on Re-inspection fees and billing please click Here.

Common Inspection Violations
Throughout the course of fire inspections, there are often common violations that occur. Many infractions are common oversights that go unnoticed in the busy workday. The following common code violations found are:
-Electrical - Extension Cords as Permanent Wiring (NFPA 1:
-Fire Door, Blockage (NFPA 1:
-Egress - Obstructions (NFPA 1:14.4.1)
-Egress - Minimum Width (NFPA 1:
-Fire Extinguisher - Obstructed (NFPA 1:
-Illumination of Exit Signs (NFPA 1:
-Housekeeping - Combustible Waste and Refuse (NFPA 1:19.1.2)
Permit & Supplemental Document Downloads
-NFPA 25 & 72 Annual Inspection/Test Permit Application (use for either system or both)
-NFPA 25 Sprinkler/Fire Pump Supplemental Form
-NFPA 72 Alarm Supplemental Form
(Supplemental forms are required to accompany all annual tests)
Contact Us
If after reviewing the provided material, there are questions or comments, you may contact us at the following e-mail address:[email protected] or by phone at 262.694.8027.
Our mailing address is:
Pleasant Prairie Fire & Rescue Department
8044-88th Avenue
Pleasant Prairie, WI 53158